The first thing to do is to check the water level in the pool. In addition, be sure that the skimmer baskets and pump baskets are free of debris. If this does not do the trick, check the position of the skimmer doors. If they are stuck, the pump will not stay primed. If you are still having problems, turn the pump off, remove the pump lid, fill the pump with water, replace the pump lid, and then turn the pump on. If you are still unable to get the pump primed, it might indicate that there is an air leak and you will need a service technician.
Pumps typically get noisy when the bearings are going out. Motor replacement is usually the recommended solution.
When DE returns to the pool, it usually indicates one or more of the filter grids are torn, or that there is an issue with the backwash system. Please call us to schedule filter service.
When the pressure rises in a filter, it usually indicates that the filter is dirty and needs to be cleaned or backwashed. Please call us to schedule filter service.
Be sure that the filter is clean and that a stick is not jammed into the throat of the cleaner. If that does not solve the problem, please call us to let us know and your weekly technician will service the cleaner during their weekly service.
You can make sure that the pump is on, and that the filter is clean. Pool heaters are fairly complex, and repairs should only be made by a trained professional.
Pool "chlorine" smell actually comes from chloramines, not chlorine. Chloramines are the result of the chlorine bonding to sweat, oils, lotion, and (yes, it happens) urine. You can avoid that chloramine smell by rinsing off before entering the pool. And by keeping an eye on those little ones! Let us know if you notice this smell. It usually means the pool needs an extra shock treatment or a treatment of enzymes.
Thank you for contacting SunnyDay Pools!
We will get back to you as soon as possible. If you need immediate assistance, please call us directly at 817-993-1111.
Have a great day!